
What our clients said about us

“Thanks for making this case known.”

"We really appreciate you taking on this matter, it is such a relief that someone of your caliber will be representing us and gives us a sense of confidence in this that we have not felt in a very long time.”

“You seemed like the only lawyer we spoke to that had any concern for our well being and what was right and wrong.”

“Mr. Dollak took my case when nobody else would take it. I am very grateful that he agreed to help me when every other lawyer I spoke to turned me down.”

“Paul, thanks for all your help.”

“Your best was very much appreciated. Thanks again and enjoy your meal at Canoe.”

“I have conveyed to you more than once how happy I am with your services. In addition to being impressed with your legal talents, e.g. intelligence, drafting skills, an ability to understand the issues in a complex matter, communication skills, etc., I am more impressed by your personal qualities, e.g. your integrity, your modesty, your unflappability, your concern, your sincerity, etc. ... As a token of my appreciation I am giving you a gift of two airline tickets to anywhere in the world. Please choose the time and place.”

“Thanks so much for helping me with this.”

“Thank-you for your continued efforts.”

“And I was just thank goodness there's some honesty that a lawyer is decent that he is going to take this case.”

“I have never left a meeting where I was not proud that you were my lawyer.”

“Thank you for the advice.”

“Boy you're good!”

“Paul, your follow up when I call you is amazing. I will highly recommend you to anybody who needs a lawyer.”

“Recht vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen.”
(Many thanks for your efforts.)

It delights us to hear that clients are pleased with our work